


埃德蒙·萨巴内格,医学博士,MBADr. Sabanegh是Guthrie的总裁兼首席执行官. 他于2021年从克利夫兰诊所加入该组织, 他在哪里担任卫生系统主校区和地区医院的院长. Dr. Sabanegh的经验还包括在美国空军服役21年, 他在哪里担任过几个行政职务, 包括医务主任, 卫生局局长的首席顾问, 也是世界上最大的空军医院的首席运营官. He serves on the Board of Directors for the American Heart Association Midwest Affiliate and was honored with the American Heart Association’s Service Award in 2019. Dr. Sabanegh is board certified by the American Board of Urology and has maintained an active clinical practice. 他是多个医学协会的成员, 包括美国生殖医学协会, 美国泌尿学协会, 以及男性生殖和泌尿学研究协会. 发表学术论文200余篇, 他获得了理学学士学位, 普林斯顿大学的工程学学位, 弗吉尼亚大学的医学博士学位, and a Master of Business Administration from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Sabanegh completed his urologic surgery residency at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center and his microsurgery fellowship at Cleveland Clinic.

科瑞·贝尔斯,MBA, sHRBP

科瑞·贝尔斯,MBA, sHRBP科瑞·贝尔斯,MBA, sHRBP, is Guthrie’s Senior Vice President, Enterprise Chief Caregiver Officer.

科妮为世界博彩公司十大排名服务了20多年, 最近一次是作为副总统, 首席人才和经验官. She leads the team responsible for setting the vision for caregiver engagement that aligns with Guthrie’s Mission, 愿景, 和价值观, 同时促进文化多样性, 包容, 创新, 终身学习, 人才发展.

她的学历是B.S. in Psychology with an emphasis in HR Management from Mansfield University and an MBA from the University of Phoenix. She is also certified by the Human Capital Institute as a Strategic HR Business Partner and is active in the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).


特里·库茨,MHA,注册护士Terri Couts, MHA,注册会计师,高级副总裁兼首席数字官. 她负责提供视觉, 战略领导, 以及对世界博彩公司十大排名信息技术战略的监督, 运营执行和未来数字化转型的规模. 最近, 特里担任高级副总裁, 在此之前,他是世界博彩公司十大排名的首席信息官, 担任epic Program副总裁, 临床系统与整合. 她一直带领世界博彩公司十大排名获得Epic(电子医疗记录)STARS 10的地位, placing Guthrie among a group of less than 10 组织 in the world that have received this distinction.

Terri持有Stark 状态 College of Technology的护理副学士学位, a Bachelor of Arts in education from University of Akron and a Master of Health Administration from University of Phoenix.

Lisa Esolen,医学博士,FIDSA

Lisa Esolen,医学博士,FIDSALisa Esolen,医学博士,FIDSA是世界博彩公司十大排名的执行副总裁,首席质量官. 她负责系统质量, 患者安全与经验, 并专注于延续世界博彩公司十大排名以患者为中心的高质量护理的丰富历史. Dr. Esolen最近担任Guthrie Robert Packer医院的首席医疗官, 塞尔和托旺达校区, 和格斯里·特洛伊社区医院. 在加入世界博彩公司十大排名之前, she was the Chief Quality Officer and Associate Chief Medical Officer for the Steward Health System, 达拉斯, Tx. 区域, she served as the Assistant Chief Quality Officer/System Director of Infection Control at the Geisinger Health System. Dr. Esolen received both her Internal Medicine Residency and Infectious Disease Fellowship training from The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 巴尔的摩, MD.


马特·赫夫,注册会计师Matt Huff,注册会计师,Guthrie的执行副总裁,首席财务官. 赫夫领导了全国多个卫生系统的财务运作, 最近,他在科罗拉多州的班纳健康公司担任西部地区首席财务官, 负责4个社区医疗中心和9个急救医院. He received his Master of Accountancy from Auburn University and his MBA in Finance from Tulane University.



伊丽莎白·杰克尔伊丽莎白·杰克尔是执行副总裁, 世界博彩公司十大排名的首席战略官, 领导战略规划和实施, 市场营销, 在整个世界博彩公司十大排名系统中进行沟通和慈善活动. 她监督新企业的发展和执行, 合作伙伴关系, 市场扩张, 医师整合和关键服务线策略. 最近,Liz担任ValueHealth, 有限责任公司的中大西洋地区总裁. 在那之前, 她是高级副总裁, business development at Crozer-Keystone Health System playing a critical role in leading the health system’s significant growth and diversification. Liz拥有Rutgers University的经济学学士学位.


茱莉亚娜·基塞尔,MHAGuiliana Kissel是首席执行官的行政办公厅主任. Guiliana started her career at Guthrie as an Administrative Fellow working on numerous projects throughout the system. Guiliana serves as the primary liaison for interactions between the CEO and various boards throughout the organization. Her education includes a bachelor’s degree in Health Education and Behavior with a specialization in Community Health Promotion from the University of 佛罗里达 and a Master of Health Administration from 佛罗里达 Atlantic University. She has a public health background from her time with the CDC Miami Quarantine Station as a Public Health Intern and most recently worked at the Bruce W. Carter Miami VA Medical Center working to provide the COVID-19 vaccine to South 佛罗里达’s Veterans. 茱莉亚娜是宾夕法尼亚-约克人类栖息地委员会的成员.

Robert Kruklitis,医学博士,博士,工商管理硕士

Robert Kruklitis,医学博士,博士,工商管理硕士Robert Kruklitis,医学博士,MBA,执行副总裁,首席临床官. 他负责临床护理系统的发展,” transforming care delivery across the enterprise and leading Guthrie’s ongoing focus on high-value, 通过对系统临床表现的监督,对患者进行安全护理. 在加入Guthrie之前,他是. Kruklitis曾在Lehigh Valley Health System担任多个领导职务, 最近担任副主席, 临床项目, 医学部门和医疗总监兼转型副总裁.

Dr. Kruklitis received his Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Georgetown University and his Master of Business Administration degree from University of 麻萨诸塞州, 阿默斯特.


黛布拉·劳珀斯,注册护士注册护士黛布拉·“黛布”·劳珀斯是世界博彩公司十大排名的首席护士执行官. Deb是一名高级护士主管,拥有超过30年的不同医疗保健经验. She is a leader with demonstrated ability to improve patient safety and quality outcomes while improving the patient experience and practice environment. 在她的职业生涯中, Deb领导的世界博彩公司十大排名罗伯特帕克医院获得了磁铁认证, 认可卓越护理, and was part of the leadership team for the construction of the new Guthrie 康宁医院. 最近, 她曾在卡尤加卫生系统对临床护理操作进行行政监督. Deb has her Master of Science in Nursing from University of Phoenix and is an active member of the American Organization of Nursing 领导.

约瑟夫一. Ronsivalle,做

约瑟夫一. Ronsivalle,做Dr. Joseph Ronsivalle是世界博彩公司十大排名医疗集团的总裁. 在这个角色中, 他专注于供应商参与, 招聘和保留, 以及高质量的医疗服务. 拥有超过15年的董事长和科长经验, he has an extensive background in leadership and has been highly successful in implementing change and facilitating growth. 自2016年加入该组织以来,他一直担任多种职务, 包括系统主席, 医学成像和医学总监, 介入放射学.

Dr. Ronsivalle在费城骨科医学院完成了他的医学教育, 沃尔特·里德陆军医疗中心诊断放射学实习医师, 华盛顿, DC, 以及约翰霍普金斯医院的心血管介入放射学奖学金, 巴尔的摩, MD. Dr. 朗西瓦莱还曾在美国陆军服役,获得中校军衔.

Paul G VerValin, FACHE, FACMPE

APaul G VerValin, MBA, FACMPE执行副总裁, 世界博彩公司十大排名诊所和院长, 康宁医院, Paul VerValin is responsible for leading and overseeing The Guthrie Clinic’s hospital and ambulatory care delivery system, 包括5个医院校区, 熟练的护理设施, 还有大约53个门诊设施,包括免预约护理, 成像, 眼科手术, 癌症服务和综合多专科护理.  他监督所有的施工, 房地产, 以及整个企业的规划, 除了Guthrie的耐用医疗设备公司.

保罗在医疗保健管理方面有30多年的经验. 在世界博彩公司十大排名之前, he was President and CAO of Northeast 乔治亚州 Physicians Group and served as a senior leader of the Northeast 乔治亚州 Health System in Gainesville, 乔治亚州.

在东北乔治亚健康系统之前, Paul was President and Chief Operating Officer of North Shore Physicians Group and Vice President of Physician 服务 for North Shore Medical Center, 波士顿布里格姆总医院的一个分部, MA. 1994年至2004年,他还在The Guthrie Clinic担任重要领导职务.

Paul received his Bachelor of Science degree from SUNY Fredonia and his Master of Health 服务 Administration and MBA from the 佛罗里达 Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives and the American College of Medical Practice Executives.


唐纳德Zaycosky 唐纳德·扎科斯基是高级副总裁, 首席法律事务主任, 担任世界博彩公司十大排名的首席律师和法律专家, 帮助推动战略业务计划和持续增长. Zaycosky从Geisinger Health加入了Guthrie, 他在那里担任过各种职务,包括总法律顾问, 为医疗机构提供全面的法律咨询. 在加入盖辛格之前, Zaycosky曾担任York Legal Group的高级法律顾问, 有限责任公司, 代表医疗保健提供者的全国性医疗保健精品实践, 组织, 州政府. Zaycosky获得St. 宾夕法尼亚州拉特罗布的文森特学院. He received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law where he also earned a Certificate of Advanced Study in Health Care Law.


肯尼斯·R. Levitzky先生.


丹尼尔·J. 布朗博士

琼米. RN Marren,

Frederick J. 花小., MD
唐纳德(唐)L. Ferrario
Nader Mehravari博士
约瑟夫一. Ronsivalle,做, FSIR